People Ocean Planet team members part of CoP26 observer delegates

People Ocean Planet team members part of CoP26 observer delegates

POP team members, Chris Leakey and Hannah Ladd-Jones, are part of the Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland (MASTS) observer delegates for the upcoming Conference of Parties 26 (CoP26).

Hannah will be attending the first week, whilst Chris the second.

MASTS was granted Observer Status by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) ahead of the 2 week CoP26 negotiations and has nominated 14 of its members to attend. Having the observer status grants both Chris and Hannah access to the CoP26 Blue Zone, observe international negotiations without the right to vote, and enter the affiliated pavillions, plus many of the open sessions.

Find out more about MASTS and it’s CoP 26 activities here:

The 14 MASTS Observer delegates


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